Hey! I’m Sophia Gonzalez, LSA’s Communications Coordinator


[Photos: Borrowed house and mini black dog, brown hair, white top, and smirking in photo 1, leafy background okra yellow jacket, white top, and smiling in photo 2 ] Español abajo.

With an urban development education and with a strong background in communications, coordination, and relationship building, Sophia Gonzalez supports vibrant efforts in Tucson neighborhoods. She perceives needs and dreams through question asking, story gathering, and bridging connections between others’ experiences. Grounded in an ever growing and evolving network, she invites people and their stories to add to a positive, healthy culture to which all participants contribute and are necessary. She is a master at learning and carries a specialized lens from experience with food festivals, cultivation, and ecosystem as well as with the startup ecosystem.

Innovation and creativity flow abundantly and she is eager to affirm and draw out the good work and actors committed to making their city an exciting place to grow. In the garden, Sophia creates space for people by rooting out toxic practices, clearing the paths for newcomers to find their way, and welcomes constant learning and observation so that we can inhabit safer, uplifting, dynamic places of work and play. 

Sophia Gonzalez tiene un diploma en desarrollo urbano y tiene mucha experiencia en las comunicaciones, la coordinación, y el establecimiento de relaciones. Ella viene de Phoenix y había vivido en Tucson hace 8 años. 

Hay muchas oportunidades en Tucson para estar involucrado y Sophia había trabajado para las organizaciones de agricultura urbana, para los eventos públicos de comida local y destilados artesanales, y para el ecosistema emprendedor. Ella toma mucha inspiración de estas áreas diferentes y está muy emocionada de encontrar y celebrar la diversidad y la creatividad aquí en los barrios de Tucson. 


Hi! I’m Patricia Schwartz, LSA’s Open Streets Coordinator


City of Tucson working to streamline process for transforming parking spaces